The Summer Match for Researchers

Take your research further with the Summer Match. Make the most of your research and take your idea to the next level.

The Summer Match

Get the most out of your research and take the next step to reach out with your research and create benefit for the society. The Summer Match is an entrepreneurship program at the business incubator LEAD that focuses on helping develop ideas generated from research at Linköping University towards market-adapted products and services. Through five weeks of intensive work by students from Linköping University, the Summer Match gives your project new opportunities through, for example, market analysis and mapping.

How it works

The aim of the Summer Match is to give your project what it needs to reach the next stage. You set a goal for the students working on your project, such as carrying out meetings with potential customers, testing the solution in realistic terms or making the first deal with a customer.

From a researcher’s perspective

Entreprenörsprogrammet som skapar nytta av forskning

Magnus Jonsson, Professor at Linköping University, participated with his research in the Summer Match 2021; a new type of sensitive temperature sensor, manufactured through printed electronics. For five weeks during the summer, two students performed market verification of the idea, which involved trying to identify and evaluate potential uses and customer segments.

Sommarmatchen produced very interesting results that we are now working on to take SensEats to the next step. It was fun and educational to work with driven and talented students within Sommarmatchen, whom I can warmly recommend to other researchers.​

The application

Who can apply?

  • Do you own the idea and are you employed by Linköping University?
  • Is your idea contributing to sustainable growth, connected to SDG?
  • Is someone available for contact during the period (weeks 24, 25 and 26)?
  • Can someone be available during the introduction sessions (April / May)?
  • Is someone available at the end of the program (mid / end of August)?
  • Can you concretize appropriate goals for the students?
  • Can you concretize the skills you are looking for in students?

If you checked all the boxes above, you are qualified to participate in the Summer Match.

How do I apply?

A clear assignment that explains what everyone involved can get out of the work results in better applications, so it is worth investing some time in writing an interesting project description.

Do you have a research idea that you want to discuss to take the next step and possibly participate in the Summer Match? Fill in the application form below, and we will contact you to discuss it further.

Questions about the program?

Magnus Krogh

Business Coach

0764-06 04 05

Apply for The Summer Match

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Let us help you explore the market needs and find a strategy for commercializing your innovation. We provide students and employees at Linköping University support to carry out initial verification activities with the aim of supporting the commercialization, application and exploitation of innovative ideas and business concepts. The verification support is funded by the Vinnova program ‘Verifiering för Tillväxt’ (VFT).