For investors

LEAD coaches and supports companies; we do not invest. Therefore, we see investors as important partners. Virtually all growth companies need capital at some stage of their development. That’s why LEAD works closely with the LEAD Business Angels network locally, but also with major venture capital firms both nationally and internationally. LEAD is always looking for new contacts in order to match the right company with the right venture capital, at the right time.

LEAD works with the Investment Readiness Process by Beels and has three business coaches certified to guide LEAD companies through this process and, together with our business development process, make the companies investment ready. We also work closely with Pepicon, the digital platform that helps bring structure and quality to the fundraising process for LEAD companies.

LEAD Business Angels

LEAD Business Angels is an exclusive business angel network for those who want to invest in early-stage tech startups connected to LEAD. As a member of LEAD Business Angels, you will have the opportunity to get to know LEAD’s carefully selected startups in a structured way. The network meets four times a year with the aim of creating good relationships between investors and companies ahead of potential business deals.

Venture capital

LEAD minimizes risk for both the entrepreneur and the investor through active selection, requirements and a high level of commitment. We have a breadth of offerings for companies based on a structured approach which is, essentially, a balanced scorecard where we coach our companies on key development issues, as well as defining and setting goals, which is the basis for a functioning company. Strategic management, delivery and goal achievement are the essence of our process, together with experienced business coaches who work closely with our companies, it delivers results.

Continuous dialogue with investors is a key success factor in fulfilling our mission. If you are curious about LEAD or think that one of our companies seems interesting, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are always looking for new contacts.


Anders Ferntoft

Business Coach

0708-77 93 37

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