LEAD Intro

Do you have a company or an idea and want to be part of LEAD? We always want to meet new business ideas and see if we can work together. But before becoming a LEAD member, we want to meet you at our introductory session How to Master the Fundamentals. Held at our Linköping office on the first Thursday of every month, this seminar is an opportunity to get to know LEAD and learn how we can help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

How to Master the Fundamentals

How to Master the Fundamentals introduces how to work with your startup idea/project/company in the early stages to find customer value and business models. At the same time, you will view a presentation about LEAD and what we can do for you. In conjunction with the seminar, you will also meet with one of LEAD’s experienced business coaches for a short initial meeting to talk about you and your idea, and possible next steps forward.

After registering, you will receive a calendar invitation.