
LEAD offers two memberships based on where you are on the business journey. Business Lab is our early-idea membership where the focus is on business idea formulation in the form of market and customer-needs verification. Incubate is our later-stage membership, to which companies are accepted after receiving clearance that their solution is attractive to potential customers.


We seek extraordinary startups that have identified a big market gap or invented a new market and know how to build it. At Incubate, you start a journey from business model verification to a fully developed business with growth potential within 12 to 36 months. The time at LEAD depends on how quickly you reach your milestones and the technical complexity of the business idea.


LEAD Incubate is for tech startups based on an innovative B2B product or service that is difficult to replicate and has high growth potential in an international market. The membership is open on a rolling basis, and our working together starts with a focus on business model development and initial customers. You will have access to coaching on a weekly basis and we can also make targeted interventions in your company if needed, for example to work on ownership guidelines or other key selective measures to enable you to grow quickly.

You should have verified your customer hypothesis, your market potential, and in some cases even have a prototype ready. That way, you have an indication that you are on the right track. Then you’re ready for Incubate!

Starting Incubate: Step 1, you have a hypothesis ready on what your Business Model Canvas, that is your business model, will look like. After admission, intensive work starts to develop and market-verify your business model. By business model, we mean a description of customer needs, offerings, customer benefits, ways to reach and retain customers, what resources and skills are needed to develop and deliver the solution, and projected returns.

The Business Forum is a multi-coaching session where we focus on you and your startup. There you pitch your startup and your goals for the next 6 months and can get feedback from several coaches at the same time, sometimes even with top expertise from the industry.


You will enter this phase when you have a pilot customer in place where you have a prototype and a Business Model Canvas that you will verify with the customer. The goal is to turn pilots into loyal customers and for us to work together on milestones to get all the foundational pillars in place, financially, marketwise, technically and organizationally, to start building the company and growing.

What is included in LEAD Incubate

The Incubate membership gives you access to:

  • A 12 to 36 month membership tailored to your needs and challenges
  • 4 hours of coaching per month with your own business coach
  • Sprint coaching: intensified coaching that focuses on specific company issues, tailored to your needs and where you are in your journey.
  • Access to business coaches specialized in certain areas, soft funds to bring in help from other advisors in areas such as law, patents, etc., and investors. LEAD also offers matchmaking when needed.
  • Office space in offices or our open-plan environments in a creative startup community

Incubate is suitable for those who:

Have come a long way on the journey. Of course, there are some criteria for to become an Incubate member. In addition to a thorough understanding of your market and believing that LEAD’s expertise will benefit your company, we are looking for:

  • Business idea potential – There must be potential for high growth and scalability, and it must be possible to build a company in an international market.
  • Innovativ B2B-product or service – The business model is unique and difficult to replicate, creating a sustainable competitive advantage over competitors or future competitors.
  • A strong team – There needs to be a strong drive and the right skills, or at least an understanding of where to focus your efforts.

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