Are you one of Europe’s future top 100 tech-based growth companies?
Then the EIC Accelerator is something for you, a 70% grant of up to 2.5 MEuro and equity capital of a maximum of 15 MEuro to develop an innovation into a salable product or service on an international market. Applied directly at the EU Commission in Brussels and granted each year to about ten Swedish companies. The funding is to be used for remaining technology development, market preparation activities and to develop an IP strategy.
On 23 September Karl-Erik Johansson visits LEAD to tell us more during a lunch session. There will also be room for individual counseling afterwards.
Since 1988, Karl-Erik has worked with commercializing research results from Umeå University, Norrland’s University Hospital and SLU. He is a highly exeperienced advisor within the EU support system for internationalization as well as EU’s innovation funding sought in Brussels.
Are you ready to qualify for the EU’s Champions League for innovation-based tech Scaleups?
“Vi är otroligt stolta över att ha tilldelats denna finansiering. Detta är ett viktigt steg framåt för oss och kommer att möjliggöra allokering av resurser till utveckling av produktion och verksamhet. Vi är fast beslutna att fortsätta att introducera våra cellulosabaserade membranlösningar på marknaden och bidra till en mer hållbar framtid.” säger Liam Hardey, vd på Cellfion som tilldelades den prestigefyllda finansieringen på 2,5 miljoner euro av European Innovation Council (EIC) i Mars 2024.