Dual Use Accelerator

Sweden faces the challenge of strengthening its innovation capability and competitiveness through increased collaboration between civilian and military actors. At LEAD, you can accelerate your innovation for dual-use applications in both civilian and military contexts.

Acceleration of civil-military innovations

LEAD’s accelerator program for dual-use innovations spans six months, offering your startup continuous business coaching and a tailored educational program with workshops and lectures to prepare you for both commercial and defense markets.

Through structured workshops and educational efforts, you will benefit from a customized program that combines commercial and defense market expertise, equipping you with tools and knowledge to effectively achieve market adaptation and scalability.

The program includes:

  • Educational efforts to understand the challenges of operating in dual markets.
  • Access to domain experts and networks tailored to your startup.
  • Feedback and testing resources from stakeholders in the defense-related market.

During the program, you will gain access to an extensive network of both civilian and military actors, facilitating quicker identification and utilization of market opportunities. This reduces time to market and enhances the likelihood of successful commercialization in dual markets.


LEAD’s Dual Use Accelerator has a national intake and is open to all small and medium-sized companies with potential for dual-use technology addressing defense-related challenges.

Admission is through a call by Vinnova. You can apply for a maximum grant of 1.3 million SEK, with 250,000 SEK designated for participation in LEAD’s accelerator program.

The application deadline is September 17th.

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